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  1. G

    Whats the best way to dose SR-9009??

    Completley agree with all the aboce SR-9009 is a great compound!
  2. G

    Whats the difference between LGD-4033 and RAD-140?

    LGD will get you more if a hardened look, RAD will feel more like you are getting a hit of test. F I compared them to roids I wouldl say LGD is like sus-250 and RAD is like test. Both are great and both stack well together.
  3. G

    Whats the best SARM for cutting?

    I reckon if you ass S-4 into the mix you will be not only shredded but hard muscle also, depends on your goals but S-4 is a great addition to a cutting tack in my opinion.
  4. G

    What’s the best SARM for lean gains?

    Yes, to all of the above, wouldn’t use MK-677 if you wanna go lean, that stuff will bulk you up ike nothing else!
  5. G

    What’s the strongest SARM for growth?

    Agreed with all the above, just finished a 6-month cycle on it, loved every minute.
  6. G

    Is Melanotan II safe for people to use?

    I want to try it?
  7. G

    Which peptides are best for lean muscle gains?

  8. G

    How can you tell if a SARMS company is legit?

    Wouldn’t use AUSLabs, very not legit! Stay away from them!
  9. G

    Which SARMS have the least notable side effects?

    They havent’ found any for RAD-140 or SR-9009 yet. The others are only slightly suppressive so nothing major. If you have 1,000 times the dose of anthiing it probably won’t be great! Haha, stick to the reccomendad dosages on all of them and you will be fine.
  10. G

    Which SARMS are best stacked with steroids?

    GW, SR and MK-2866 will stack well with just about any steroid cycle. Literally cannot go wrong with those. Trust me the synergy is insane!
  11. G

    What is the best peptide for recovery?

    ^ I second this. Agreed.
  12. G

    What’s the best peptide for bulking?

    GHRP-6, you will eat a lot
  13. G

    Which peptides are best for performance?

    Definitley CJC-1295 from my experience.
  14. G

    Whats the difference between GHRP-2 and GHRP-6?

    Can anybody make a suggestion on which one or what the difference is?
  15. G

    Whats better liquid or capsule SARMS?

    Does it make a difference at all?
  16. G

    Which SARMS are closest to going into commercial production?

    Anyone in the know?? It would be great to know if this is going to happen soon?
  17. G

    What’s the difference between GW-501516 and SR-9009?

    Does anybody know? I'm unsure which one to use....
  18. G

    Are SARMS better in the US or Australia?

    Does anybody know which country should I be ordering from of these 2?
  19. G

    Whats the best way to dose RAD-140?

    Anybody got experience with this one?