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  1. B

    Whats the best way to dose SR-9009??

    Run it with GW-501516 and your performance will be off the charts
  2. B

    Is Melanotan II safe for people to use?

    Agreed, you feel a biit dizzy after the shots but it goes away pretty quick, great results after that!
  3. B

    How can I calculate the mixing dosages for peptides?

    There is a good post under the blog on TB-500 on this site
  4. B

    Which SARM is the least suppressive?

    GW-50156 and SR-9009 for sure. And MK-677
  5. B

    Why does MK-677 cause an increase in hunger?

    Agreed, I’m on GHRP-6 peptide and MK-677 SARM and can’t stop eating! Haha probabaly a good thing I’m bulkig.
  6. B

    What’s the strongest SARM for growth?

    Agreed, MK-677 hands down, its unliken anything else, strongest growth hormone secretagogue out there, half way between a strong peptide and a cycle of HGH. Definitley recommend thiss one as it hits the sweet spot.
  7. B

    What is the best peptide for recovery?

    Have been doing 2 gym sessions a day and looking to increase my recovery times. Any advice?
  8. B

    Which SARMS are most commonly used by athletes and celebrities?

    Asking for a friend! lol
  9. B

    Which SARM can be run for the longest period of time?

    Any advice would be appreciated!
  10. B

    Which SARMS are best stacked with steroids?

    Advice anyone??
  11. B

    What’s the best SARM for lean gains?

    Any advice would be appreciated!
  12. B

    How can you tell if a SARMS company is legit?

    Does anybody know how?