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Search results

  1. G

    What’s the strongest SARM for growth?

    MK-677 is almost as strong as injectable gwoth hormone and has none of the negatice sides. I highly recommend this one.
  2. G

    Whats the best way to dose RAD-140?

    Super simple, 10 – 25mg mixed into a drink, throw it down first thing in the morning each day!
  3. G

    How can you tell if a SARMS company is legit?

    I’ve used a few, the trick is if you have a supplier that provides a good product and a good service then stick with them. Trust and loyalty. If I trust a supplier I am loyal to them
  4. G

    Which SARMS are best stacked with steroids?

    Complex question, depends on your steroid cycle and your goals.
  5. G

    Which SARM can be run for the longest period of time?

    GW-50156 and SR-9009 as they are more performance enhancers and are not suppressive.
  6. G

    Which SARMS have the least notable side effects?

    None of them shut down testosterone which is why people love them. Also, no negative steroidal side effects such as hair loss etc. Safer from this perspective. Also, they are oral so no need to inject which makes life easy and lesss pins lying around the house! Haha
  7. G

    What’s the difference between GW-501516 and SR-9009?

    GW-501516 has a longer hald life, one dose of 10 – 20mg in the morning will get you thgouth the day. SR is great but eeds to be split out x 3 times per day. I would stack them both to be honest! Can’t go wrong!
  8. G

    What’s the best SARM for lean gains?

    S-4 for a more ‘fuller’ muscle mass look, and definitely LGD-4033 for the lean look.
  9. G

    Are SARMS better in the US or Australia?

    Agreed with the above, I have some great suppliers here, Performance Clinics are on point! Been using them for a few months now.
  10. G

    What’s the best peptide for bulking?

    GHRP-6 as you will GROW a lot too! Haha
  11. G

    What is the best peptide to stack with SARMS and which SARMS go well with peptides?

    Hard to wrap my head around this?
  12. G

    How do you mix peptides?

    Looking for a simple answer please!
  13. G

    Whats the best SARM for shredding?

    Any advice much appreciated.....
  14. G

    Which SARM is the least suppressive?

    Looking for some simple answers if anybody has some!
  15. G

    Why does MK-677 cause an increase in hunger?

    What causes the increase in hunger?? Anyone?
  16. G

    Whats the best SARM for cutting?

    Any suggestions?
  17. G

    Whats the best way to dose SR-9009??

    If anybody can give me some advice on this would be much appreciated as I am struggling to find any consistent answers online?